Our mission

Enabling anyone to gain autonomy through adapted and accessible DIY workshops

Our activites

For private individuals :

Alone or in groups of any age…

Learn to build an eco-friendly object based on our models (such as a solar oven, a composter, or a birdhouse) and take it home with you!

Accessible to anyone.

Two workshop options to guide you in building an object of your choice:

  • From our existing models

  • Personalized according to your project

Entropie takes care of designing and building the custom object you need: indoor or outdoor furniture, bicycle carts, tools… we don’t shy away from any challenge.

In 2018, Entropie built a tiny house and documented the construction process. The plans and step-by-step guide are available under a free license.

For association, professionals and communities :

Packages tailored to your audiences, colleagues, or citizens, in groups or individually, for most ages.

A workshop led by Entropie in your facilities to make an eco-friendly object (solar oven, composter, etc.) from our models. Open to all audiences and suitable in any environment…

Carpentry workshops to (re)build self-esteem and gain autonomy, in partnership with organizations supporting people in need or isolation.

Do you have a project for furniture, infrastructure, or tools for your organization? We can accompagny your team (colleagues, citizens, participants, volunteers…) in the realization of your project!

Vous nous déléguez votre projet, de la conception à la construction. Entropie s’occupe de tout !

our open source construction manuals

The association documents each of its projects and distributes construction manuals under a free license to promote a collaborative approach to intellectual property management…


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We share knowledge and technical skills to foster greater autonomy.

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We tailor our workshops to everyone, regardless of their life journey, skills, age, or resources.

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critical thinking

We challenge our beliefs in pursuit of objectivity and reflect on our actions to improve ourselves.

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We prioritize renewable resources and work towards the adoption of low-tech, energy-efficient solutions.


Association Entropie

  • our offices are located 2 rue Gustave Flaubert in Grenoble (38100)
  • our workshop is located 5 impasse du Marguillier au lieu-dit Baumet in Mens (38710).

If you wish to meet us, contact us beforehand to make sure we’ll be available !

Our financial partners

Our operating partners

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